Ep. 1 – Featuring: Alex Brittan, The Badenvilles, Jai Sounds


Transcript: Hello chums, it’s me, Alex, welcome to the Freshstock Podcast, episode one!! Firstly, congratualtions on making it this far, not just in the podcast, but in life. I commend you for it.

Coming up i’ll be bringing you a veritable smorgus of music, I’m also starting up a band name generator. This means if you’re having trouble finding that catchy name to put on your posters, I’ll give you a hand, if you can’t decide between two, I’ll help you pick, resolving what could be the first in a string of arguments leading to your break up. As this is Episode 1, I don’t have any entrants yet, so please contact me on freshstock@post.com with you band name worries. Gimme a hint about which style you’re working in and listen in next week for your own personalised band name.

Also coming up, I’m going to be having some actual information. That should be nice for you. This week it’s in the form of a home recording hint, so keep listening if you want to know about how to give your work a professional polish.

Okay, i’ve waffled on for long enough, time for some music. I thought we’d start with something a bit poppy and we’ll penetrate the depths a little later on. This first one is called “Outer Love” by Alex Brittan. Here goes!



There you go, Alex Brittan their with “Outer Love”, off his upcoming EP Thirsty Bird, and I quote “a collection of tracks inspired by terrible tinder dates, social anxiety and relationships on the brink; a colourful mix of tropical synths, sparkling percussion and glorious pop falsetto. “ If you liked that track, check out his Facebook and Soundcloud, that’s Alex Brittan, Brittan with an ‘a’.

So, you may have noticed that i’m also called Alex, so who am I after all. I’m a media student and a music enthusiast currently living in Brunswick, Melbourne. I always defend brunswick saying it’s not too hipstery, but just today I was on the tram looking at a guy in a beard, a kilt and a Brian Jonestown Massacre T-shirt (possibly home made), and he’s carrying a six pack of Bonsoy. And the most hipster person I’ve ever seen was on the main street in Brunswick, Sydney road. Forget what he looked like, imagine any bearded, beanied hipster in overalls. Your bog standard hipster. It was what he was riding… the best way i can describe it is as a skateboard, with an exercise bike screwed onto it. He was riding this in traffic, and of course it didn’t cross my mind to push him into it. Meh, who am I kidding, i’d go hipster too if I didn’t find beards so itchy.

Now to one of my regular items, home recording hints. Feel free to send in a jingle for any of these by the way, including a new opening song for the whole thing freshstock@post.com.

So, without getting too technical, let’s have a quick talk about compression. For those yet unskilled in the art of compression, it’s a great tool to add a professional sheen to you home recordings, and these days most software comes with a range of presets so you don’t even really know how to adjust it. What does it do to the sound? Well, you know how it always seems like the ads are louder than the programs on TV? Well, they’re not really, they just have more compression. It’s basically about squishing the dynamics out of a sound by turning up all the quieter sounds so they’re closer to the volume of the louder sounds. Have a listen to any modern pop and you’ll notice how loudly everyone breathes in between the phrases, that because of compression. Have a play around with it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Okay, that was the actual information i promised earlier, now to more music. Something a bit more lo-fi and garagey, just the way I like things, this is The Badenvilles. Enjoy!



That’s The Badenvilles with “Coffee Shop”, who are currently in the studio working on some more tracks, check out the blog for the show freshstockpodcast.wordpress.com, where you’ll find transcripts and links to all the acts you hear today. And remember, if you want your track featured on the podcast, email it to me on freshstock@post.com, please make sure you own all copyrights.

Well, we’re nearly at an end already, but before that I have promised a band name generator. This involves you, the listeners, sending me an email to freshstock@post.com telling me about your band naming issues, then tuning in the next week to hear what I came up with for you. If you do use this service please note it is compulsary to commit to the name i come up with. If I find you’ve deviated, I will come round your house and sprinkle powdered milk into you laundry powder. To get you started though, here are my first three suggestions. Just to get the ball rolling.

-The Eastminsters, this would be an indie kinda group, kind of noel gallagher types I reckon

-The Isoscoles, this one is more for your electo pop duo

-and finally, and this one actually came from my brother, The Sunday Night Karate Machine. This would be more like a group of rappers who band together into a supergroup I reckon.

Okay, one last bit of music before you can all go on your merry ways, this time from Jai Sounds, with the track “Attonbitus (two)”.



Thanks for listening to my first podcast ever guys, my name’s Alex Dick, you can see links to all the bands your heard in this episode at the show’s blog, freshstockpodcast.wordpress.com, or have a look at my own site, headstockpublishing.com.au. If you want to have your music played, send it to freshstock@post.com, links or files accepted, and you could be in future episodes. Cheers, support new music everyone. Bye!

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